Art professor’s work on display through end of semester

“Potpourri,” an exhibit of work by Assistant Professor of Art Sharon Linnehan, opened in the Bowie Arts Center Oct. 26. Bowie Arts Center hours are 2-4 p.m. Sunday through Thursday when Erskine College is in session. Admission is free and the exhibit will run through the end of the fall semester. The Bowie Arts Center is also open by appointment. Call 864-379-8867 or 864-993-8099 for an appointment.
Linnehan, who came to teach at Erskine College in 2002, has exhibited her work in South Carolina, Georgia, North Dakota, Montana, and Minnesota, as well as in the West Indies. Her work is focused on printmaking, and she also works in pastel, colored pencil, oil, and graphite.
As a printmaker, Linnehan produces etchings, serigraphs, and plastic engravings. She has worked with colorful, non-objective monotypes since 1996, and is interested in the way this printmaking process pushes color into the paper in addition to putting color on the surface.
A monotype is a one-edition print. Linnehan prints her monotypes on 100 percent cotton paper, first painting on a smooth Plexiglas beveled plate with colored French etching ink. The inked plate and dampened paper are then run through an etching press, which transfers the ink to the paper and reverses the image. The etching press exerts 1,000 pounds of pressure per square inch, pushing the ink into the paper, producing an effect different from simply painting on paper. In her monotypes, the color appears to recede in space, creating atmospheric depth and giving balance to images that appear to be closer to the picture plane.