1. Vehicles parked on campus or adjoining streets may only park on paved parking lots or campus streets. All vehicles must be parked within the marked, designated areas.
2. Driving or parking on grass, sidewalks, or landscape: To keep our campus beautiful, violators will be fined for driving, parking, or any action that could potentially cause property damage to the grounds. In addition to the fine, restitution will be assessed if any damage occurs.
3. Parking in any designated handicap space is prohibited unless a legal handicap placard is displayed on the vehicle. State Law: $1,000 fine. To obtain a legal temporary handicap placard you will need to take a doctor’s written note to a Medical Physician, who will complete. The Department of Motor Vehicles will issue your temporary handicap placard. The placard must be properly displayed on your rearview mirror. It is a violation of law to use a placard intended for someone else.
4. Any vehicle parked on the campus is subject to search provided there is probable cause. This search would follow the same procedure as followed for a room search.
5. Vehicles shall not park with the left wheels to the curb (parking on opposite side of road facing traffic). If this occurs, violators will be ticketed.
6. Vehicles shall not back into spaces or pull through spaces. The rear of the vehicle must be visible for quick identification at all times.
7. All vehicles must be insured and have a current state registration decal located on license plate. Vehicles not having current registration or insurance will be considered as abandoned and will be subject to towing and storage fees.
8. NO PARKING zones: Any location which is not designated as a parking space.
- Bonner Circle and Robinson Circle: The only exception to park on either circle is during move-in/move-out. Signage will be placed to allow vehicles to park for loading and unloading. In the event you park on the circle during the allowed move-in/move-out period, a licensed driver must accompany the vehicle with the vehicle running.
- Any location with yellow paint: These are designated as fire lanes. Parking in the fire lanes will result in being ticketed and/or towed.
- No Student Parking AT ANY TIME in these locations: Washington Street Belk Parking Lot Young Street Baseball/Galloway Lot Foot Ball Offices and Field House
- Any street, curb, or side of the roadway that does not have a designated parking space is considered a no-parking zone. Not all zones will have “No Parking” signage as a courtesy.
- Any location which is designed for the flow of traffic.
9. Tickets may be paid online at https://www.erskine.edu/financedivision/ or in person at the Finance Division Office located at 2 Washington Street.
- Fines are due 14 days from the date of issuance.
- All fines will be doubled if not paid by the fine due date.
- If a fine is not paid within 10 days after the fine due date, the vehicle will receive a boot.
10. Any student who receives more than three tickets in any one semester may be referred to the Ticket Appeals Board concerning loss of vehicle privileges while enrolled for the remainder of that semester or the next semester or as otherwise designated by a hearing body. Once five tickets are received, automatic loss of privileges.
11. If your vehicle has received a boot, you must pay all fines in full within 48 hours of the application of the boot in addition to a $50 boot removal fee. Then notify CPT for removal of the boot. If a vehicle has a boot for more than 5 business days, the vehicle will be towed from Erskine College property at owner’s expense.
12. Off-Campus Parking:
- Parking in the U.S. Post Office lot and in spaces on the street beside Post Office is for Post Office customers only. Violators are subject to being towed.
- Parking in the parking lots of our local businesses are for customers only. Violators will be ticketed.
- Please pay attention to “Timed Parking” in downtown.
13. Parking Lots and Parking Permits
Student Parking: All vehicles used by resident students, commuter students, or off-campus students, are required to display a current decal on the top, left, rear window. The parking decal must be affixed conspicuously for easy identification.
A vehicle registration form must be completed with the correct information. False or incorrect information given will be ruled as a violation and will be subject to a fine and/or loss of parking privileges and/or vehicle boot. Changes with vehicles, color changes, license plate changes, or other identifying changes will require you to complete another vehicle registration form so that the database can be updated. Failure to comply will result in a fine and/or loss of parking privileges and/or vehicle boot.
- Visitors (PURPLE) Parking Lots: Visitor parking lots are designated for visitors to the Erskine campus. The visitor policy became effective 8/1/2019. We welcome many visitors to campus while still maintaining the safety of our campus. When a visitor arrives on campus, they are allowed to park between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the designated visitor parking lot for one business day. Anyone who has business on the campus outside of the designated hours or for more than one visit must apply for a temporary registration. Once the application for a temporary parking permit is complete, all officers will be notified of the vehicle and pertinent information. No physical permit is applied to the vehicle. The visitor parking lot is patrolled regularly by E.C. Police Department and CPT Parking Service.
- Residential (RED) Parking Lots and Residential Parking Permits: Residential (RED) Parking Lots and Residential Parking Permits: Residential parking lots are designated for resident use only. The resident parking decal will be red in color to reflect where the motor vehicle is authorized to park. The parking decal must be affixed conspicuously to the left upper window. Residents may also park in Commuter Lots (Green Lots) between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Residents are not permitted to park in any lot that is not designated for residents unless otherwise specified. Violators are subject to be ticketed.
- Commuters (GREEN) Parking Lots and Commuter Parking Permits: Commuter parking lots are designated for commuters only. The commuter parking decal will be green in color to reflect where the motor vehicle is authorized to park. The parking decal must be affixed conspicuously to the Top Left, Rear Window. Commuters are not permitted to park in any lot that is not designated for commuters. Violators are subject to being ticketed.
- Faculty/Staff (GOLD): Faculty/Staff parking lots are designated for faculty and staff only. The Faculty/Staff parking decal will be gold in color to reflect where the motor vehicle is authorized to park. Limited parking spaces will be available around campus with the wording “Faculty” painted. Faculty/Staff are permitted to park in those spaces despite the parking lot designation. The parking decal must be affixed conspicuously to the Top Left, Rear Window. Faculty/Staff are not permitted to park in any lot or individual space that is not designated faculty/staff. Violators are subject to being ticketed.
- Dual Purpose Parking Lots: If parking signage posts two colors, the parking lot is considered dual purpose. Vehicles displaying a parking sticker color that is specified by the signage of the parking lot are permitted to park. Violators are subject to being ticketed.
- Athletic/Events (BLUE) Parking Lots: Athletics/Events are reserved for visitors during athletic or special events on the campus of Erskine College. With limited parking available, respect our fans and visitors by not parking in this designated area. Any registered Resident, Commuter, or Faculty/Staff vehicle parked in a Blue Lot will be ticketed.
- Aramark Employees (Mirror Tag): Aramark employees must have the assigned parking tag displayed properly from the rearview mirror at all times. Aramark Tags will have the wording “FOOD SERVICE” or “FACILITIES.” Aramark employees may park in parking lots/spaces closest to their place of employment while on the clock and while still following all other parking rules/regulations/laws. Food service employees must park in the Moffatt Lot only. Violators are subject to being ticketed. An exception is made for food service employees working special events.
14. Temporary vehicle registration forms are to be completed below. Temporary vehicle registrations are valid for one week with a maximum of two requests. Any automobile or motorcycle that exceeds the two weeks of temporary registration between July 1 and June 30 is required to obtain a permanent registration. Temporary parking registrations are placed in the database, allowing officers to confirm if a vehicle belongs or does not. No pass is issued for display purposes. Students with temporary vehicles can park in their respective lots with a temporary pass. Visitors must park in the Belk Lot located across from Belk Hall.