Drug Policy
Erskine College prohibits the possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs. Anyone violating this prohibition will be subject to being expelled immediately from the institution and being turned over to the legal authorities.
Alcohol Policy
The possession of alcoholic beverages by any Erskine student or guest of any student anywhere on the Erskine campus or at any function sponsored by any College organization is a violation of College regulations. This includes all residence hall rooms. A hall resident is responsible for any violation of the alcohol regulations, including underage possession or consumption, that occurs in his or her room while he or she is present. Public display of any alcoholic beverage, drunkenness, or alcohol-related misconduct in any area of campus is a violation of College regulations.
Drug-Free Workplace Act
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 require all schools to adopt and implement a drug-prevention program for their students and employees. As a part of this program, Erskine is required to distribute annually a statement detailing standards of conduct, a description of applicable legal sanctions, a description of health risks, available counseling, and disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed as they relate to the use of illicit or illegal drugs and the abuse of alcohol. This statement will be made available to all employees.
No part of this policy, or any of the procedures hereunder, is intended to limit Erskine’s ability to manage its workplace or to discipline its employees. No part of this policy or any of these procedures is a guarantee of employment, continued employment, or terms or conditions of employment.
Drug or Substance-Abuse Testing
Erskine may (but is not obligated to) require employees to be tested for drugs or alcohol under certain conditions. Drug testing may be by urinalysis or another appropriate method. Alcohol testing may be an evidential breath-testing device or another appropriate method.
At present, testing may be required in cases of reasonable suspicion, after a workplace or job-related accident (including automobile accidents), and before return to duty after suspension or leave for alcohol or substance abuse.
Reasonable Suspicion Testing
An employee may be tested when, in Erskine’s opinion, there is reasonable cause to suspect that the employee’s behavior, performance, error in judgment, accident or incident, or other unsafe action while working may be related to substance abuse or that the employee has otherwise violated this policy. Erskine is not obligated to conduct a test in such circumstances and may elect to discipline an employee who reports to work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs by suspension with or without pay, by immediate termination, or in another manner whenever Erskine, in its sole judgment, deems it appropriate to do so.
Post-Accident or Incident Testing
An employee may be tested if: (1) the employee suffers an on-the-job injury (requiring treatment from a doctor or other medical provider); or (2) causes injury to a fellow employee (requiring treatment from a doctor or other medical provider); or (3) where an injury may have been caused in whole or in part by the employee’s failure to wear required personal protective equipment. Any incident that involves either an on-duty employee or an off-duty employee in an Erskine vehicle and that causes a total aggregate property damage of $1,000 or more may be cause for testing.
Return-to-Duty Testing
An employee, who in the sole discretion of Erskine is allowed to be reinstated following an absence from work for an extended period of time or completion of a drug/alcohol treatment or counseling program, may be required to pass a drug test upon his/her return to work.
Responsibility of Employees to Report
Any employee who suspects that a co-worker may be under the influence of a substance that impairs performance or may cause an injury (to oneself or others) should immediately notify his/her supervisor or some other member of management in order that the employee suspected of being impaired may be observed and evaluated by management.