Chemistry students make the most of their trip to Memphis

Ten members of Erskine’s American Chemical Society (ACS) student chapter traveled to Memphis, Tenn., this month for the Southeastern Regional Meeting of ACS (SERMACS). Professor of Chemistry Dr. Joel Boyd accompanied the students.
Students representing Erskine at SERMACS were Taylor Alewine, Rachel Barham, Julie Butler, Colby DeVane, Eric Edwards, Clara Formby, Justin Glover, Christina Holbrooks, Kaitlyn Kerley, and Nathanael Moore. Five of the students—Alewine, Barham, Edwards, Formby, and Glover—gave poster presentations at the conference and received feedback on their research.

The conference schedule included graduate and undergraduate sessions with speakers from across the southeast.
“Students were also able to visit the graduate school fair, where they could talk to admissions counselors,” ACS President Clara Formby said.
“Industries had representatives there for college seniors to talk to about potential jobs after college,” she added.
“Overall, it was a very successful trip!”
Erskine’s ACS officers, in addition to Formby, are Autumn Horne, vice president; Arielle Houston, secretary; Kristin Richey, treasurer; and Kayla Squiggins, outreach coordinator.