Sophomore named to South Carolina Student Legislature post
Logan Franks, an Erskine College sophomore from Anderson, S.C., has been appointed Delegation Director of Alumni by South Carolina Student Legislature (SCSL) Governor J. Elliott Kelley.
The SCSL governor made a number of appointments, which are effective immediately and run through the 2017 fall session of SCSL. Appointees are given various responsibilities throughout the academic year and at SCSL’s spring and fall sessions.
Franks said that in his new position, it is his responsibility “to work with the current members of the South Carolina Student Legislature and the alumni to establish a good relationship between all members, past and present.”
Franks served as Erskine’s delegation chair at the 60th annual fall session of SCLC Oct. 26-28. At that time, he was nominated for the office of lieutenant governor but lost the election. Another member of the Erskine delegation, sophomore Joseph Long of Anderson, S.C., was elected comptroller general, while freshman Aleena McCoy of Rockledge, Fla., received an award for Best Written Argument in the Supreme Court. The Erskine delegation as a whole received the Best Small Delegation Award.
Other colleges and universities participating in SCSL include Bob Jones University, The Citadel, Charleston Southern University, Clemson University, Coastal Carolina University, College of Charleston, Francis Marion University, North Greenville University, and Winthrop University.