High school students come to Erskine for Teacher Cadet Day
Erskine College welcomed 37 teacher cadets, along with their school sponsors, to the campus Friday, Sept. 20, for a Teacher Cadet Day program that included a keynote address, a choice of several sessions led by Erskine professors, a campus tour, and lunch in Moffatt Dining Hall.
“The cadets could select sessions that sparked their curiosity and were related to the education program of studies they were most interested in,” Associate Professor of Education Sandy Robinson explained. “Sessions included model lessons by Erskine College professors in the areas of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and reading.”
Robinson said the primary goal of the Teacher Cadet Program is “to attract talented high school juniors and seniors to the teaching profession by providing opportunities for them to observe, assist, and teach in actual classroom settings in order to fully engage them in the teaching experience.”
The Erskine College Department of Education has developed partnerships with nearby Belton-Honea Path and Dixie High Schools through the Teacher Cadet Program, and Friday’s campus visitors came from those two schools.
“By serving as a partner school, Erskine can aid the programs at each high school as we work with the cadet sponsors to provide instructional materials, admissions information for our institution, and team-building opportunities that strengthen the partnerships and knowledge base of the cadets,” Robinson said.
Erskine’s education department hosted the cadets for most of the day, and the admissions office took them to lunch and led them on campus tours.
Entrance requirements for admission to the Teacher Cadet Program include a B average (or an overall 3.0 average on a 4.0 scale) as well as three or more recommendation letters from instructors. “The admissions criteria for the program have been established by CERRA, a well-established teacher recruitment program,” Robinson said.