Northern Highlands Tour
A Scottish Excursion with the Adamsons
June 18 – June 23, 2024
Join your tour hosts, Dr. and Mrs. Adamson, on an excursion to the Scottish Highlands starting June 18. Based out of Dornoch, the trip will focus on the Highlands area where the Adamsons lived while Dr. Adamson served the Free Church of Scotland as a supply pastor. This trip offers the chance to visit a part of Northern Scotland rarely seen by tourists.
+ Tour Costs
Northern Highlands, June 18-23: (limited to 16 people)
$3,128 per person (includes $500 donation to Erskine)
Extra $699 for single room supplement
+ Deposit & Payment Deadlines
Deposit $250 by close of business March 8 to reserve your spot
Total balance is due April 12