Warfield Lectures to be offered on Columbia campus
The Fourth Annual B.B. Warfield Lectures are scheduled for Wednesday evening, Oct. 14, in Jackson Hall at First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, S.C.
Presented by Erskine Theological Seminary and First Presbyterian Church, this year’s lectures will be delivered by Dr. Peter Jones, associate pastor at New Life Presbyterian Church, Escondido, Califofrnia, scholar-in-residence at Westminster Seminary California, and founder and director of “truthXchange.”
The lectures honor the memory of Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield (1851-1921), whom some consider the greatest English-speaking Reformed theologian of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Jones’s theme is “Cosmology and Sexuality.”
Supper will be available at 5:15 p.m. in Jackson Hall at First Presbyterian Church for a charge of $4 per person. The lecture begins at 6:15 pm., with a question-and-answer session from 7:15 to 7:30. For more information, contact Crystal Tolbert at Erskine Seminary’s Columbia campus, 803-771-6180 or Tolbert@erskine.edu.
Dr. Peter Jones, a native of Liverpool, England, and a childhood friend of John Lennon, spends his time speaking and writing about the so-called “spiritual but not religious” movement that is so influential today. truthXchange equips and empowers the church to communicate the gospel lovingly and effectively to a culture that has lost the crucial distinction between worshiping creation and worshiping the Triune God. Dr. Jones and his wife Rebecca have seven children and numerous grandchildren.