Kooistras surprised at farewell gathering

Erskine President Dr. Paul Kooistra and his wife Sandi hosted a farewell party Thursday in Moffatt Dining Hall, welcoming students and providing lunch for faculty and staff members.
During the gathering, which the Kooistras had planned as an expression of their appreciation to the Erskine community, they were surprised by three presentations.
Mike LeFever, president and CEO of South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (SCICU) honored Kooistra with a framed resolution outlining the president’s accomplishments.

Two representatives from the Erskine Board of Trustees, Dr. Gordon S. Query and Ann Marie Tribble, presented to the Kooistras a painting from the Patrick Collection in the Bowie Arts Center. The president, who enjoys sailing, had chosen the Mediterranean harbor scene by Korean artist S. Razin for display in his office.
Dr. Christine Schott and Dr. Briana Van Scoy offered the president a resolution of appreciation from the faculty as well as a gift card for the Kooistras to enjoy as they retire.