Euphies win Darlington Cup Debate
The Darlington Cup debate at Erskine College, pitting the Euphemians against the Philomatheans, took place Friday, March 25, in Memorial Hall Auditorium.
Participating members of the opposing literary societies were asked to consider whether United States intervention in foreign conflict is necessary. The Philos spoke in favor of intervention, while the Euphies spoke in opposition to it and won the debate.
Jonathan Cooper, one of the Euphemian debaters, praised the Philomathean team’s performance. “Their opening statement and the rest of their points were spoken well and with confidence,” he said.
The Euphemians’ “hours of research and preparation helped us to edge out the win,” Josh Dorsey, one of Cooper’s teammates, said.
“Overall, I believe that both teams put forth a decent effort,” Dorsey added. “With the addition of the formal debate team these contests will only get more interesting in the coming years.”
One of the Philomatheans who served as a debater, Carter Vest, said, “It was a great experience. We did unfortunately lose the debate, but I found it a profitable experience for both sides.”
Morgan Roberts, who is set to coach the new debate team at Erskine this fall, served as moderator of this year’s Darlington Cup Debate.
“It was a privilege to be a part of the rich tradition of debate at Erskine College,” she said.
“The Darlington Cup Debate saw its 110th birthday earlier this month, and I hope to see the debate continue for many years to come.”
At top of page, Euphemian Literary Society debaters included, from left, rising freshman Sloan Bradley, junior Jonathan Cooper, and freshman Josh Dorsey.