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Atlas Collection

McCain Library maintains a collection of oversized atlases located in atlas cases on the library mezzanine. Atlases do not circulate, and their call numbers begin with the prefix ATLAS.

Circulating Collection

The collection of books that makes up the majority of the library’s items is the circulating collection. This collection contains nearly 150,000 volumes and is arranged using the Library of Congress (LC) classification system. Students, staff, and Special Patrons of the library may check out books from the circulating collection for 30 days. Faculty, Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) students, and Masters of Theology (Th.M.) students may check out books for 120 days. The collection is located on all three levels of the library, beginning on the lower level (call numbers A-E), continuing on the main level (call numbers E-PT), and ending on the upper level (call numbers Q-Z). Some older, low-usage circulating books are housed in remote storage in Reid Hall.

Course Reserves

The materials placed on reserve by course instructors are kept behind the circulation desk. Typically, these items are available to students in the respective courses for a three-hour period within the library only.

Folio Collection

The Folio Collection consists of large, oversized books and is housed as a separate collection on the library mezzanine. Some folio books may be checked out, while others are reference books that cannot be checked out. Circulating folio books have the prefix FOLIO in front of the call number, and reference books in the folio collection have the prefix FOLIO REF in front of the call number.

Genealogical Collection

The McCain Library genealogical collection, housed with the library’s Department of Archives and Special Collections located in Reid Hall, contains information on persons having connections to the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Erskine College, Erskine Theological Seminary, and/or Abbeville County, South Carolina. This collection also contains general reference sources useful to genealogical researchers, including the Baldwin Reading Room Reference Collection and resources from the Miller Family History Center. For more information on how McCain Library’s genealogical collection can assist you in your family history research, contact the archivist.

Juvenile Collection

The Juvenile Collection is composed of children’s and young adult literature. Used widely by students in the Education department as well as individuals from the community, the collection includes Newberry and Caldecott award-winning titles. Call numbers on juvenile books begin with the JUV prefix. Books in this collection may be checked out from the library. The Juvenile Collection is located on the library mezzanine.

Microfilm / Microfiche Collections

The library provides both microfilm and microfiche collections. Both collections are located on the main level near the microform reader/printer. The microfilm collection is composed primarily of journal, magazine, and newspaper titles. Some of the library’s special collection items are available on microfilm as well. Government documents, such as U.S. House and Senate hearings, make up the vast majority of the microfiche collection. The library also has a small number of dissertations (primarily from seminaries) on microfiche.

Newspaper Collection

McCain Library subscribes to a few local newspapers. The current newspapers are kept on the main level in the current periodicals area.

Periodical Collection

McCain Library has bound back issues that are shelved on the upper level. Some older print back issues are housed in remote storage in Reid Hall. These are noted on the bound back issue shelves on the upper level of McCain Library. See a library staff member for assistance retrieving issues located in remote storage. Microfilm periodicals are located with the microfilm collection. For a listing of print and microfilm periodical titles available, go to the Periodical Holdings List. For a list of available electronic titles, go to the Electronic Journal Finder. Electronic journals are provided both on and off campus to current Erskine students, faculty, and staff via the library’s website.

Popular Fiction and Non-Fiction Collection

The Popular Fiction and Non-Fiction Collection contains current and recent books from the New York Times Bestsellers List and other high-demand titles. The collection includes both fiction and non-fiction titles, though it is primarily composed of fiction titles. These books may be checked out for 30 days. This collection is located at the back of the reference area.

Print Indexes

The library’s print indexes are located on the library mezzanine. Here you will find the print version of indexes such as Book Review Digest, Essay and General Literature Index, Humanities Index, MLA Bibliography, New York Times Index, Physical Education Index, Reader’s Guide, and more. For most of the indexes to which McCain Library provides access to the electronic version, the print index stops where the electronic version starts. Print indexes may not be checked out of the library.

Reference Collection

The Reference Collection is housed in the main reference area adjacent to the circulation desk. This collection is composed of non-circulating items that provide quick access to factual information, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliographies, indexes, handbooks, style guides, statistical sources, and biographical sources. Call numbers for reference books begin with the prefix REF. Some reference items are in electronic format, such as the numerous electronic databases. Some older, low-usage reference books are housed in remote storage in Reid Hall.

For assistance with the reference collection, visit the reference desk or contact a reference librarian.

Archives and Special Collections

The McCain Library Archives and Special Collections consists of over 15,000 items that are deemed unique, rare, or otherwise significant to the mission and history of Erskine. The Department of Archives and Special Collections (located in Reid Hall) serves as a central location for the preservation of and access to the intertwined histories of Erskine College, Erskine Theological Seminary, the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, and Abbeville County, South Carolina. Items from special collections and the archives are available for use upon request. For assistance with this collection, contact the archivist.

Erskine and Due West Skyline

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