Below is a list of some of the internships and other activities in which students majoring in either Psychology or Behavioral Science have taken part.
Summer Programs:
- University of Notre Dame, Pew-Younger Summer Seminar Program
- University of Chicago, Sonya Shankman School, Summer Fellowship
- Camp Royall, N.C. summer camp program with autistic children
- Anderson Mental Health Center, summer assistant in youth program
- National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Summer Research Program.
- Clemson University and Western Kentucky University funded by The National Science Foundation.
Academic Year Sites/Activities:
- S.C. Community Mental Health Centers (e.g., Beckman Center, A.- O.- P. MHC, Greenville MHC, Charleston/Dorchester MHC, Catawba MHC); various client population.
- S.C. Dept. of Mental Health, Columbia; mental health administration internship
- Harris Psychiatric Hospital, Anderson; internships with children and adult patients
- Highlands Program, Atlanta; career development counseling internship
- Anderson Youth Association, Anderson; internship with children & adolescents
- John de la Howe School, McCormick; internship with children & adolescents
- Charles Aiken Academy, Greenville; internship with children & adolescents
- Campbell Veterans Nursing Home, Anderson; internship with elderly
- York School District, York; Socastee Middle School, Myrtle Beach; school psychology internships
- Abbeville Co. Commission on Alcohol & Drug Abuse, Abbeville; school program
- Family Services Center, Columbia; community mental health internship