Attendance Requirements
Fleet Fellowship will be held every Tuesday at 11:00am. in Galloway Gymnasium, with occasional opportunities on Thursday at 11am or an evening program, which will be held in an alternate location. There will also be opportunities periodically to receive a FF credit by participating in a supply drive, canned food drive, etc. Those will be advertised as part of the FF schedule.
- All students are required to attend a minimum of 12 Fleet Fellowship Program events each semester. A minimum of 8 of those 12, must be the Spiritual Formation events on Tuesdays at 11am.
- All programs count for 1 attendance only, unless otherwise noted (there are no “double-credit” events).
- There are no “automatic” excused absences or requirement reductions. Multiple programs are scheduled at different times of day so all students should be able to obtain the required 12 minimum programs. For legitimate reduction requests, visit the Fleet Fellowship page on the website to complete a reduction waiver. This must be done at the start of the semester in which a reduction is being sought, not in the middle or end of the semester.
- Attendance will be tracked and maintained in the iAttended App that all students are required to download to their cell phone. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of attendance. This can easily be done through the App. Students will be held responsible for attending fewer than the minimum 12 required programs (a fine of $100 per program under the 12 required). A fine of $100 each will also be charged if 8 of the 12 are not spiritual formation events unless prior arrangement has been approved by the Vice President of Student Development.
- The schedule for the 2024 fall semester is confirmed and posted to the calendar (see the second page of this document). Whenever possible, reminder emails will be sent to the Erskine community and will include important details.
- The Fleet Fellowship Committee will not be accepting requests throughout the year to add events for attendance credit.